
My name is Stacy and I started crafting to sell items when I was about 10 - I created seed bead necklace items and sold them to my classmates, then promptly got in trouble for selling in school. Been hooked ever since! 

Shouho started as a shop on Gaia doing graphics and cuteness. I started using the images to make acrylic pieces and stickers and such. I expanded and started trying to make my own designs into collections and etc.

Basic Info
Stacy L Tipton
Alias - Sneakz, Ska, Nskalie
Currently in Denver, CO

I use Photoshop and Illustrator to make most my designs, feel free to ask me anything!

Currently Watching
Spring 2016(excited for) - Game of Thrones

Fall 2015(in day order) - Walking Dead, Once upon a time, The Simpsons, Big Bang, Scorpion, Gotham, Last man on Earth, Castle, Grandfathered, Limitless, South Park, Modern Family, Bones, Reign, MLP - FIM

Other - Dragon Ball Super

Life List
Been working on a life list - I have seen a ton of people create these and accomplish their goals. I am terrible at finding goals for myself, but I started by googling examples and picking things out that sounded good

Life list here (stand alone post)

Anime List
I thought what the hell, lets make a list since I love finding new series. feel free to comment any suggests. I go in and out of phases of what I like to watch.

Anime list here (stand alone post)

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