July 25, 2014

Job illustrations

♥ I'm Feeling @overly full
♥ Eating @Notta
♥ Drinking @Water

♥ Listening @Home Improvement 

Been re-watching Home Improvement, someone told me it was churcehy, not seeing that so much as sexual adult innuendos you would not get if you were under 16. There is a moral center I guess, but that never bothered me.

Finished revolution and going to start Perception soon. Maybe Arrested Development too. Not even going to start listing anime. Ugh. There is literally no enough time in the day to watch everything that is good, and I try to multitask when I do it so yeah.

This is for a Relay in Hugo, I really like the theme, its easy to get behind kids and
cancer treatment though, so far they are liking the work so I hope we can get these
out there. I added the stars to add length. And why not stars.

Made this for a Rodeo here in town,
I really love how it turned out. SO FAR everyone has too!
I am so excited that everyone likes it. We are planning on a 
cross one for her church group as well.

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