October 8, 2014

AFK Update

Been working on optimizing website/blog/shops anything I can online. It has been going well, did well on google ads, and now I finally decided to create a new DA account. http://shouho.deviantart.com/

Originally I did not want to as, their terms of service are such BS about using them. However, I figure if I upload images that are not useful, like pics, it does not matter. I do not care if items are recreated, go for it world. 

AND I am prepping for a craft fair this weekend, I am so happy to have gotten into one. I will be closing shop on THUR for a mass redo on it. I plan to put some items/supplies into my destash store instead. I hope this is not my last.

Finally I hope I get this job I am up for. I would like to get back to work and such. I hate being bored and such, I feel so unproductive. Even with all the time in the world you just want to lay around, I like feeling motivated. 

♥ I'm Feeling @Good
♥ Eating @notta
♥ Drinking @Water
♥ Listening @Ghostbusters~ 


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