May 6, 2015

DIY Financial Planner Pages

Very excited to get this project started. I have been wanting to do this for a bit, I do not have a 'family' as far as kids go, but I consider myself extremely organized. I do not want kids, at least now. Honestly not ever but that is a whole conversation, but I wanted to make sure my family I do have is taken care of. SO I am super excited to share this planning method. 

If you think of something additional you may want to see, feel free to ask for it! I was just thinking of adding in a vacation sheet as well! Just like a family, planning grows.

Sorry if you do not like the colors, I picked them for me :3

I started off my book with contacts, and I typed mine. If you want the DOC file just email. I had enough to type to make it nicer. This also has a blank included to make your own
or extend your contacts, as I had too.

Next I put in yearly goals, It is nearly impossible to get Josh to sit down and plan
a week ahead much less a year, so mostly these are mine.

Emergency numbers, just in case we are in a panic and cannot find them
I actually keep non-emergency number for police handy all the time,
you never know.

I made this because I am not sure he even knows the bills. Its good to have
them handy, in case something happens.

I find this VERY important. We are into tech and such, so we have some laying around.
Its important for insurance to have a list of your serial numbers so if anything happens
you can get it all back. We also keep pics online at photobucket and back ups to the cloud

Mostly for me, as I have school debt D: 

Savings tracking, we like to have money in the bank when we can, 
we are slowly getting back ahead.

I suck at cooking but there are a few family recipes I want to keep

Any house projects, I doubt we will do them but you never know


And FINALLY a money envelope to match! For saving goals or 
paying bills by cash, etc

I hope this helps you as much as I loved making it. I have seen these for sale and I do suggest if you have a larger family or want a specific color scheme, purchasing them on Etsy, they have some amazing designs and organization sets.

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