May 28, 2015

May AFK Post

This month has been fabulous to me. I was sick for a week but nothing I did not live with. Lets look at the Calender!


I did not even bother to remove the bills. I live in Denver - its flippin' expensive here. Anyway! This month was great :3 Josh got his new job, w00t, I got Mirena - still loving it I personally even feel less moody, went to the history museum with Celine on the free day, she gets to to France on the 22nd too - I finally put in for leave for Target for a few months. Figured since friends were out I would too for a bit.

Was sick for a while D: but allergies have been terrible this year. You can also see I put in blog post, I plan to do a 'planning' video for July, not June as I am already have that prepped. I am so excited for the new Erin Condren planners being released then, I am watching closing as I want one, in FOIL if I can get it. I already did a prep order so I should get that soon. I will review and such when I get it. I picked it over the leather ones as it has more features I like for the price. I really cannot wait to get to it. I picked up some planning items at Micheal's too. I really wanted some water color brush pens, but they did not have.
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I am digging the color teal lately, so I picked that set. I was surprise they had a small planning section but they have their own life planners - which were not bad but I think I will wait to see the other ones first.

Over all I would say this month was great, it feels like this year is flying by D: moved the website, getting comfortable with new job - and quit target. Josh got new job and should be getting back on track. I am sad we may see each other less, but it will be worth it if we can get back on track money wise and still enjoy the area best we can.

Next month my goals are to get more surprise boxes, I love getting them. Take more pictures, such as DIYs and templates I build for you. Get a silhouette machine if I can! - I want one so bad. Upadte my shirt sites I really need to work on those, finally have more free time. DRAW as I am a lazy pain in the ass.

So far the new posting has been good, I may slow it down next month, I am finding it hard to squeeze in DIYs just because of time they can take and getting the items. There is seriously not enough time in the day. I've done the math there isn't. Anyway!
Happy June!

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