June 3, 2015

Review - Graze Subscription Box

I recently started getting Graze at work, I wanted to eat a little better snack wise so I thought I would try this out. I am not sure if I will keep it going, I am so bad at eating healthy good. I wanted to review it however, as it is a really fun subscription box. I think it would be worth it if you get the extra crash to do and like eating nutty snacks.
This was my first time getting an edible box and I really liked it.

Potato quality via phone

BBQ Pistachios
This was my first time eating Pistachios - no I do not live under a rock but its one of those items that cost a lot and if I hated them I'd be mad I spent so much on something I cannot eat. Anyway, these were good and I would try a small bag of regular ones to see. I do not like opening nuts but these were oddly fun to crack. I do not know if would like doing it if I had a ton of them, but the few this came with was nice. I would buy BBQ ones again for sure.

BBQ Pretzel Sticks + dip
I was not a fan of the dip - but the sticks were good. The dip was some jam like product, and if you over coated it, it was bit lumpy. I would totally eat the sticks again though.

Chai-latte Nuts
Did not like this. Had coconut in it as well, but I am not a fan of it. Josh ate it all so not bad. It had a variety of nuts in, sunflower seeds, etc

Strawberries & Cream
This one was very good. It had granola and dried strawberry pieces with yogurt pieces for the cream. I like granola and would get this one again if I saw it in the store.

Overall I liked 3/4 of the items so I would say this is a pretty good deal. I would get it again, and I want to try the snack sweet box as well. I think it would be good. If I had 7$ a week to just do I would do this, but its really only one days worth of snacks so I can't see it being as feasible for me now. Maybe in the future though.

I would definitely get this box again!

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