August 26, 2015

Review - Erin Condern Notebook

Afternoon all!
I am loving my Erin Condren Notebook D: its so fantastic. You can get my friend code here - to save money. I will be switching to this in SEPT to get back in the flow of things. I am really liking the quality.
I was not able to get an EC planner, I was just not into the 75$ commitment. I had heard things and seen mixed reviews so to spend that much on a planner, Josh would have murdered me. When I got the email about the calendar notebooks I snagged one up right away though. Josh would still probably kill me if he knew I spent 30+ on a notebook however I really like it. I will post an update if after some more wear and tear it starts looking shabby. As of right now though I am impressed with the quality based on what I had heard (various videos / post of it going down hill the larger it got )

Not my first EC package, and as always really nicely package and arrived perfect.

I nabbed a meal planner cause I had been wanting one anyway. You can see the calendar has not dates, it comes with stickers to add the dates in but if I did not want to use this for this year, I could theoretically use it next year, which I like the idea of. 

Came with a folder and a few extras as usual. That is the sticker package on the left, to fill in the dates. It has some friend codes inside, inspiration and a clip. Also some basic stickers. One thing I find odd about their stickers is they are a bit off center in their cut, I have some already but I know how ridiculously difficult it is to cut them out as well. 
Overall I am really happy with it. As I said I plan to move in this week sometime, start getting back into blogging. My goals are to get some stickers out there asap (cost), a free blank calendar set, inspiration stickers (cost), and a nice theme for note taking. I got some weather stickers I am tweaking so those should be ready soon. Check out my planner site for more updates on those items. I will probably link this over there as well.

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