August 15, 2014

Work illustrations

♥ I'm Feeling @STRESSED
♥ Eating @Notta
♥ Drinking @Water

♥ Listening @Sweeney Todd OST

Ugh. This week and last have been hell. Every minute I am not working on TLR I was doing Shouho, or moving or trying to get my portfolio together. I am almost complete I think. Ugh Shoot me. This weekend is busy, but a good kinda busy. I like spending time with my friends, specially since I will not see them for a bit.

Anyway! Not much art this week as I have been very busy with technical crap.

For Marcy - not happy with it, not very poppy but sorta been so busy have not had 
a chance to try other ideas
For their final medal inserts, cheaper and such but still pretty

The new card I ordered, I love them.

I really liked this. I will be ordering one.

For Krista and her labor day exploits. They are silly but suppose
to be silly so they work~

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