October 25, 2014

How to - Acrylic Pieces

I actually wrote one of these a bit back but somehow it got deleted.

So acrylic! I love working in this medium, wish I could afford a laser cutter they are amazing. Anyway I started doing this medium because I thought they looked amazing, but I didn't want to do cosplay pieces since so many were already done - although when I can I sneak some in on extras for myself! 

So the way I create the files depends on the company I am using - I have been testing and getting quotes all over and still not found a favorite or best yet! I keep hoping to find a local place. So the colors/width may be different for you.

For me, I start with sketches. I use a small book to keep track and when I want a specific color, I color them in with markers~ to get the vision going.

Then I create it in Photoshop, as I am most comfortable with this still. I create them on vectors. I usually use one color so I can see what it will look like as I go - using white to see through and black for etchings. 

As you can see it can be a bit blurry and such, it does not matter TO MUCH as long as you are working large, as Illustrator is going to trace this for me to make it work better.

After the image is how you want it, copy and paste it into Illustrator. TIP - paste each color separately, its easier when you are tracing. I just use the basic trace in Illustrator, adjust colors/etc as needed, usually I Ignore White and then I delete any spare layers it may have created to get the solid blue piece.

Flip the outline with the solid inside here

Once you have the piece, just flip the colors. It will form an outline instead of an inside. Then adjust as needed for the printer. 

I usually work on a 6 x 12 canvas. I create a master file - such as "white moons print" then open a new one as well to do the tracing in. Then I adjust them to the size I want, make the layers cleaner before I bring them into the master file. 

This works well for me because i can save the original file and all the work is done on each piece and they are neat layers SO if I want to reprint one of them, on a new color say, I can easily copy and paste them.

Here is a sample sheet I am getting printed soon. All black is engraved and the red lines indicate cut. 

Side note, I print a hollow kitty paw with hearts on every NEW color I do so i can have a sample at home and see the colors~ it helps me keep track of what they look like. You can do a square or something, just so you know the colors and what they look like for future designs.

For any reason if you have questions and cannot get them answered feel free to ask me. I am not expert but I am learning and I will try to help you. Now on to sources

Laser Cutting Sources
Zap! Creatives - #1 In customer service, can be a little costly but great for newbies!
OutFab - Super inexpensive, but limited colors
Craft Jam - Fair pricing, nice. Best pricing on printed charms
NY Lab - More costly, but if you are local may be a great option
Onlinelasercutting.com - based in Australia, so shipping maybe hard, but amazing options!

I am also currently in talks with a Denver local, will see how that goes and post them as well!

Know a site? Email/Comment so I can add them and check them out!

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