December 15, 2014

AFK Update

♥ I'm Feeling @COLD it snowed D:
♥ Eating @notta
♥ Drinking @Water
♥ Listening @Inuyasha 

UGH I still dislike retail work but we are getting there and it pays the bills for the moment. Still applying for office jobs and such and keep hoping.

It snowed yesterday, check out our snowman D: its super ridiculous. 

And I also am finishing up the iridescent order, can't wait for those. I am using local person now~  cause I wanted to, even if it is a bit more, I rather support local artist too! I am going to get these then order all the mermaid stuff on FEB D: I am excited to see how they come out 

I think they will be good. Will add them when I get them. Made some random ones as well, just cause I could~ I am really excited for the moons, I think they will be excellent. I love shiny D:

I wish I had more energy to work on more art as I am actually doing well on redbubble and such and would love to add more art T_T but working 8 hours in retails, and 40 usually, is sucking.

I am hoping to have off 27th - 31st to go home for a bit so I should have a little bit of time then, going to eat my way through Tulsa D: Bento every day. QT pizza :9 so excited. I miss Bento the most lol. Can't wait to see people either *0* I am making friends slowly here but man I miss the ones I had.

That is about all, I have a lot of time off next week so I am going to try to get in some work then too! I am also up for a good job hope I hear on WEN D: 

Good luck to me, after the holidays I gotta crack back down on healthy food and walking too

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