December 9, 2014

Recipe - Peppermint Fudge

I absolutely love peppermint bark, so when I saw a white chocolate fudge recipe I had to add in peppermints to see if it worked for the holiday.

This is a simple no bake fudge - it should make about 1lbs

Items Needed
1 (3 ounce) packages cream cheese, softened
1/2 (16 ounce) package powdered sugar, sifted
3/4 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/2 (12 ounce) white chocolate baking bar, melted
2 pkgs of Soft Peppermints - I use the 1$ bags

Everything good has cream cheese in it.

How to
Start by beating cream the cheese at medium speed with an electric mixer until fluffy; gradually add sugar, beating well to remove all the lumps. Its delicious, do not be shamed for taste to see if any lumps are there - I do.

At this time, grind one of the packages of peppermints to dust! beat if you need to. I use one of those magic bullet type things. For the other package, beat them until small, but not dust. 

Add vanilla and melted white chocolate to cream cheese mixture and stir until well blended. 

mix in peppermint dust first, stirring well. This adds the best flavor, but you can add in peppermint flavor oils if you want.

FOLD in the larger pieces, so they are still visible. If you want to add a bit of fun, fold in some red gel color to make it look striped! Be sure to not over mix or you will get pink.

Put in a dish/mold/etc and pop in the fridge to set! Be sure to use a greased pan or silicone one to prevent sticking. 


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