April 20, 2015

AFK - April

♥ I'm Feeling @Grumpy 
♥ Eating @notta
♥ Drinking @Water
♥ Listening @Pandora - FF Radio

Josh keeps trying to convert me to Spotify D: 

Currently 4/23 but bleh~ I wish it was Friday D: going to be a good weekend. I do not work at all. We have a party thing for work on FRI night and its a free museum weekend as well! So should be good.

I am okay with work still, not loving it but honestly atm I am frumpy anyway, I get new BC on May 1st so I am just waiting Nuvaring out til then. I hope it works out then I would not have to think about it for a few years. 

Doing well on redbubble this month, super happy on that. I super need to make some more designs on that. I am also going to add in some new post types - Plan with me and possibly a favorites of the month post. I do not try out a new product a lot but I could get behind doing some. I also thinking of adding in some Geocaching, trying to think on that. Now that weekends will be free I want to try to get out there more hiking like we wanted. 

Otherwise not a lot going on. Plotting in the back of my head when I can and such. I really want to get the silhouette machine too. I've always wanted one anyway, but I love what it can do with the stickers and such. 

I work tonight and I am so tired but I want to go see everyone. I hope I don't cashier I would rather do services but I doubt I do tonight since they are training people. bleh.

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