May 1, 2015

Mirena Experience

So I decided to back post this as its kinda icky to some, and I wanted to post it in general as there are a ton of bad stories out there and I wanted to toss in my two cents. 

final warning this involves girl stuff

I got Mirena this weekend, on Friday May 1st. I aimed for a Friday so if it hurt all weekend I would be good for work on Monday. Now as I have no kids, if you google around you can see its harder to get. I was fortunate and my local health department suggested it since I was thinking long term.

It was super painful. OMG she had to stick a measuring stick up my unbirthed cervix Jesus I cannot describe the pain. It was bad but it went quick. I did as she suggested and took deep breaths. Pretty sure I bit my tongue at some point. Then I was fine for about 10 minutes as we discussed what just happen and if I had any questions. Not really I have done a ton of research on it. I am concerned it may come out as I have not had kids. I was also concerned my SO could feel it, that is put to rest as well. All good.

The cramping was absolutely terrible for 24 hrs. I considered weed, I am in CO so it would be an easy down the street solution but I managed to get through it. I used a heating pad and slept for like 27 hrs. Drugged still. But today I woke up, the next day (SAT) and am totally fine. A small twinge here or there but good. Even tested the insides to make sure I could find the string, and SO can't feel it. All good. I hope things keep going well. I will update at like 3 months / 6 months or sooner if anything goes amiss. I hope it does not cause this is birth control for the next 5 years and it was free money wise, pain sucked but I would do it again for the option of free for 5 years. That's about 1200 dollars in Nuvaring - what I was using.

Overall so far I am happy with it and suggest it, but I would suggest being knocked out or asking for a shot. Jesus that was terrible. If you have had kids they say its much easier. Just Jesus I remember looking at how far the stick went in and wanting to vomit. @_@;

5/4 - Its Monday and I am still good to go, still happy with choice!

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