June 29, 2015

AFK June Post

Time for a AFK Update. I cannot believe I feel decent today, I got like 3 hours sleep. We got a drone over the weekend, in addition to family around, and we played FFXIV until 4 AM. I theoretically should be dead but doing okay. I am sure I will pass out later instead of being productive. Getting closer to lvl 50 though, I really want to play heavenward D:
Sorry for the MIA - my mother and brother came up this last week to visit and it was sort of planned but with my family until the hotel is paid for I do not believe them. It was really nice though, they of course wanted to visit the medical shops, Ikea and the mountains of course. Also went up to the Arsenal which is a great place to see wildlife and just get out of the city.
Anyway, craft wise, I did get a Silhouette machine however I do not like it =X I am having issues getting it to cut how I want, etc so we will see. I will keep playing with it. I got the smaller version since it does the same principle stuff, just 8x11 instead of 12x12. I can live with that. Want to try making paper cuts as well, and have not done that as of yet. Mainly for the stickers I am having issues getting them lined up correctly. ALSO the mat is so sticky paper is stuck to it. I am still hopeful I will get it, just sad it was not instant.
As for my artwork, I will be working with wood soon :D I was super excited, then I started googling and got sad D: as so many are already done and so amazingly how could I do anything worth it?! But I decided I did not care as I needed to do them for me, not for others. So I am focusing on some fun designs and I will probably only do 1 of each, more if I want one. I want to try to make a box too, and possibly a stand up figure. I want to mix it with the acrylic too, and I want to use the thicker to make original designs to mold.
I also got in my blue A5 which I have been playing with. I made a chocolate set of calendar available in the planner shop I made on Big Cartel - and I am working on a plain set. I did not like how busy the chocolate was for me, so I tried a plain set instead. I like it pretty well so far. Still experimenting on a week set and a daily. I am not sad about it but I am not liking the file system so much - I hate taking out the papers to write on them. HOWEVER I knew this would be me, and I was prepped for it. I am forcing myself to try, as it is reusable and I like the format. I looked at the Happy Planner and Erin Condern too - EC is kinda costly right now T_T I did not pay a ton for the blue A5 book, as its not a brand, so I am trying it first to see if I like it. I love how it looks, I just find the functionalism of it off.
I typically try to stay away from work comments as I do not like to comment about the business and I do not wish to step on anyone's foot but lately work has been BLEH, somewhat dull with many little things. Not a bad place or job just overly busy and unable to complete things as I would like. I have been taking a new approach, and scheduling things in work brackets. For example, today I am doing warranties 2 - 4 PM, then 4 - 5 I plan to work on an audit. If I get done early with warranties I can squeeze in more audit but I will not be done with that anytime soon. I had a nightmare the other day about meetings. I hate meetings, I feel like like are useless, for the most part. I remember when Joe had them and there was 4 of us. I was like really. really. That is how I feel with some of the meetings I go to now. Some are needed, I agree but at some point being in meetings all day is just BLEH and I would rather focus on work.
I am also trying a low carb diet, which a carb is everything you basically eat. Its very hard, I am getting through but I am unsure if I am doing good as I cannot find enough non carbs to eat (less calories) or actually low carb is working. Either way I am not feeling bad about it just finding it hard to eat. I get to ear all the meats though. And cheese, thank God.
Overall I would say I feel really really over whelmed. I like having a consistent schedule, I love it. It allows me to plan stuff out better. I need to just take one thing at a time, I know. I want to do these art projects, level my FFXIV up and also continue to blog and design! Its been a busy busy month. Its hard to believe its already July. I am bad at putting in my schedule time blocks for things. I use a egg timer when I play minecraft and such so I keep track of time, and sometimes when I am doing chores but its hard to plan things so consistently.
Either way a busy life is a full life so at least that is all good! Its better to be able to do all these things than none.
Luff <3

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