July 1, 2015

Learning to plan

I wanted to do a plan with me series, however I found I found it very hard to do as I plan on a monthly basis and not as decorated as some people I have seen. None the less I wanted to do a quick walk through on how I plan, and it took forever to set down and do it.

This is my older planner as well. I will do an update when I can but I wanted to get this up and going too
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When I plan, I try to do it on a monthly set. I recently started trying out sticker designs too so that is what you see above, I plan to provide some free ones that you can print at home as well.
For me I start in a note book, I like the small ones I can carry with me, hard back covers. I have a few from Micheal's 5$ bin I have been using. I write down my ideas periodically, things I find on pinterst, etc. Also reminders of where I eat/etc Then I organize them into a day fashion. I typically plan to blog M W F, with Friday's being eats and freebies. It helps to know what I am looking for as far as DIY's and such. I would love to get into videos, but I have not mastered the editing yet. Still working on it! I should do hauls too.
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A typically month looks like so. I do not record anything other than Blog post and special dates in the main pages. On the weekly I log foods and Josh's work schedule. I usually also include diary like note, like if the day was BLEH or had a great day and why. It just makes it funner to look back through the pages. I tend to also write down how much money we spend, gas and other such items I want to track. I am still trying to get better at it.

My goals for planning are to use my blue A5 to track all this instead and in a cute way. I really like the cuteness. So far its been hard, I do not like the size, but its getting it done. Mostly its the way I have to write it out. It is not hard back so I have to take the pages out some times T_T its harder but I like the concept still so I am going to keep trying. Plus I keep making inserts which you I can sell / freebie some. So far the plain ones I find the most effective though - figures! Either way I will post an update on this soon as I get more organized with it.

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