July 24, 2015

AFK Update

♥ I'm Feeling - Bleh
♥ Eating - Notta
♥ Drinking - Water
♥ Listening - on Phone for work

Been so busy lately, and out of it blog wise. Kinda depressed but just the normal every once in awhile happens. Just wanted to do a quick AFK update~
I been buying and making planner related items, and such. And I ordered some wooden laser cut items to see how they turn out. We got a new house item too :3 and started paying off items now that Josh is more regular for work.
From Ebay I got some really cute Rilakkuma Market pens, a pencil case, crown pens, adorable phone/keychains from CCS and SM, a scissor blade key chain for Josh, a bag for my planner supplies (love it!), macaroon case (wish I had gotten them from Aliexpress instead!). Still waiting on the Scissor blade, but should have it soon. I've been adding more and more keychain/gumball figure collections to the list. Need to get a shelf, loving those collectibles. I also nabbed some more SM items - the tablet/mint cases. A new set is coming out soon and I wanted to nab it while I could before it shot up. I am loving those items.

From Amazon I ordered A4 paper for planner - I will be selling this too as it was a PAIN IN THE ASS to find D: so I plan to put up sets of 100 on my cartel site, just blank, for like 3$. Maybe less, I'll do a some math and see how long it takes me to cut them.
Aspen copy
I ordered wooden pieces from OutFab . I did a variety of designs, I wanted to try to use them to make molds, so these are thicker. I wanted to see their size/shapes before I make another set. I plan to do my biscuits next. I am excited to that in the wood. Feels kinda hipster-ey but I like ho wits coming.

I also purchased some laminate and a bunch of card stock at Michael's, was on a great sale, for the Silhouette machine. Loving that. Still trying to master it but I am enjoying it. I had trouble with the stickers so I will probably need some more time on that.


Work is going okay, had an allergic reaction to something recently and it was terrible so I missed a day and half. Overall it has been getting insanely busy but we recently hired another girl and such so catching up finally. I did not order a sub box this July. Was just too busy to get it in. I was kinda haitus-ey so I didn't worry about it. I need to do so much catch up which I am finally feeling up to. I was still thinking of splitting sections up even more - I feel so clustered and all over the place. I mean I am but blah I feel like it should be better, so thinking on that! I was thinking of separating the brand from the blog. If that makes sense. Got a lot to do to catch up but I am hoping to stay motivated to do it!
edit - After reviewing and trying, Godaddy (currently using) makes it nearly impossible to set up new accounts, which sucks. However I am not here forever so I may switch later on but for now I will leave it alone ><; at least for now. As it gave me a headache trying to figure it out.

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