July 6, 2015

Review - Tokyo Treat

Time for another subscription box! I ordered Tokyo Treat back in June.
Tokyo Treat is well worth the $20 it cost, I was able to get the middle package, using a discount code for five off. It took a bit to get but I ordered around May 6th and I got it in early June - around the 5th. This is a great box to try new candies/treats
TokyoTreat Regular box
The Box: Tokyo Treat
The Cost: $15 - 35
Inside: Japanese candy / treats

Coupons are found on their Facebook page - check it out

This time I either failed to take pictures or misplaced them, either way plenty of photos on their twitter account - check them out. I also scanned in the brochure it comes with. I was not a fan of the tea flavored chocolates, yet I like the Kitkat version. Overall gummies are my favorite treat! I would recommend this box for anyone who likes to try new treats. The focus is sweet so that is something to consider when getting this box.


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