June 8, 2015

Hiking Goals

Part of the reason we moved here was to get outdoors and do stuff! That means getting my chubby butt up mountains :3 I will be keeping track of the hikes here, and updating it periodically, kinda like the life list but purely for Colorado area hikes. I use Mapmyrun.com to track the miles and such, and I am working to do the Manitou Incline sometime this year!(2015) . Also I have a harder time altitude still, so that maybe a factor later on.

Please feel free to suggest any as well! I get most of them via frien ds anyway.
Castle Rock - Rock Park - 1.33 Miles
Sucked, been a few weeks since we did anything active and I pretty sure I bitched the entire way up this small hill. Either way reached the top felt great and go us :3 onto the next mountain to climb over! Crap cell picture from the top

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