June 10, 2015

Review - Cool Pencil Case.com

I actually love this website, I wish they had more as they are really reliable and such! So in this review I am doing an order I did on Apr 9th - and I got it a few days later. I should make up some criteria to judge stores on here eventually...

I got both the blue and the pink, inside is plain but I do not care I LOVE this pattern. I do not know what I will use them for, eventually I will find a use as I like using the stationary I get but for now I love just having them

Then this folder, which is also lovely. I really wanted the other one as well, but I cannot find it - its on my major wishlist! this one is really thick and handy as well though.

Then finally I nabbed some planner flags to make it enough for free shipping this round.

I spent 22$ all together, and I love this place. I highly recommend it and can tell you it has fast shipping and their products are real and good quality items. Even the ones that are just random ( like these kitties ). As I said, I wish they got more products in that I wanted and I would order more. I use a variety of websites to add to my hoarding problem.

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