October 15, 2015

Life List

A Life list I have come to believe is a list of things you want to accomplish in your lifetime. It was really hard for me as I had like two goals in life - graduate and move out of Oklahoma - which I succeeded at pretty quickly. 

Created: 10/15

Last Updated:

Things to See - Colorado
Go up a 14,000+ mt. (2015, September Pike's Peak)
Rock climb something
Go to a Bronco's Game
Go to a Rockie's Game
Camp in Rocky Mountains

Things to Accomplish
Graduate college(2011, Oklahoma State Uni)
Leave home state(2014, moved to Denver)
Settle in and build a life 
Get an MBA at a great school
Climb the corporate ladder at Fortune 500 company
Type 50 words a minute
Write a book
Become a published author
Learn another language
Own my own business
Earn $500/ month with side hustle

Things to See
North America
Aurora Borealis (Alaska)
Grand Canyon (Arizona)
White Desert(Arizona)
Redwood Forest (California)
Niagara Falls (New York)
Hoover Dam (Nevada/Arizona)
Go to Mardi Gras (New Orleans)
Olympics opening ceremony 
A World series
Cherry Blossom Rush(Washington D.C.)
Visit The White House, again (did as a child)
Go to Disney World(Florida)

South America
Head Statues on Easter Island (Chile – Easter Island)
Machu Picchu (Peru – Machu Picchu)
Iguazu Falls (Argentina)
Go to Carnival (Brazil – Rio de Janeiro)

Sydney Opera House (Australia – Sydney)

Acropolis (Greece – Athens)
Eiffel Tower (France – Paris)
Colosseum (Italy – Rome)
Neuschwanstein Castle (Germany – Schwangau)
Alps (France, Italy, Switzerland or Germany)
Stay in the ice hotel
Travel to Capri, Italy
Explore the French Rivera
Explore Greece

Great Wall of China (China)
Forbidden City (China – Beijing)
Taj Mahal (India – Agra)
Mount Everest (Nepal)

Pyramids of Giza (Egypt – Cairo)

Things to Try
Hang gliding
Get hypnotized
Sky diving
SCUBA diving
Dive in a submarine
Try out a professional massage
Fly in a helicopter
Go white water river rafting
Fly in a hot air balloon and blimp
Go to a TED conference
Go on a major cruise
Make a parachute jump
Go dog sledding

A few bottom notes - I am not super religious, nor do I want children. So these items are a bit left off on my personal goal list. I created this list after googling around and finding a few other list. I will probably add to it as I go, specially if we move states again. 

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