November 18, 2014


♥ I'm Feeling @SUPER BLEH
♥ Eating @notta
♥ Drinking @Water
♥ Listening @Random Holiday

UGH last couple days have been BLEH. I think my tooth is getting worse and I am going to try to get it pulled on FRI. Nobody likes having a fever =/ so I think that maybe bringing me down. I did some more research and I think I will be okay if I take it out. I was worried as its a Molar and I have never had a permanent tooth pulled but the drama vs the pull is getting pretty annoying so I am just going to do it.

Job hunting has been dull too D: but I did manage to sell a few things on Amazon, which is good and mom gave me a bit to make it til I get my first check at Target. I know I can survive at Target at least, but meh I want to get back to doing art and clients! Guest are fun but its SO BORING mentally. *bangs head*

I have done a ton of art, which if I remember will try to post tonight. I know I need the money at the moment but as I said cashing is so mentally boring and I think I just feel bad overall from tooth today so not looking forward to 8 hours of it. I am sure it will pass quickly. I hope. 


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