December 31, 2014

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

2014 flew by for me, we finally got moved to Denver after saving for a couple years and even though we are still looking for permanent jobs, we are lucky that we have found a great place with our current employer, never under estimate being able to eat!

For 2015 I am hoping for more great things! I like to keep a list so I keep on track. I am not going to list the little goals/ideas for post - as I have been jotting those down as well!

Lose another 50lbs
This one is personal, as a chubby person I am really happy and I like to eat snacks D: so I am setting goals very slowly so its a lifestyle change and doesn't hurt T_T I like to snack. I'd like to loose another 50 towards my healthy weight this year. If curious I am hovering around 300lbs at 6 foot tall so I pudgy yes. I would like to weigh around 200, as I do not want to be to small for my build and such. I am pretty amazony-shaped. 

Use Facebook/Social Media More
Because I suck at it. I do it for a living, or use to, so you'd think I would be good at this! I would like to set a personal goal of updating my normal FB once a week - for friends and family, and my Shouho one every post update. Hoot suite even lets me schedule Instagram and Twitter and such, so I have no excuse. I will be doing this more this year.

Create more art pieces/shows/etc
This one is kinda hard to quantify, as I am not sure where to go. I would like to get more professional I guess it what I am saying. I need to pump out more updates to art sites as well as actually go to events to show my work. This would help with making money for it to keep doing it.

Save 1000$ again/Pay off Loan#1
Again personal, I want to have at least 1000 in the savings by end of year and pay of the smallest student loan I have. I can do this working at Target and being frugal, so if I get a better job should hit this nail quickly. 

Read more actual books
Working on a list.

Start Herb garden/Feed Birdys!
Just some basic stuff, I love fresh basil. Seriously may just do basil. I just want to feed the birds cause I can. I love watching them here!

I think that will do it, I may add to it but for now those are the things I can think of I want to accomplish this year!

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