February 11, 2015

DIY - Beauty Bars

These are the a great way to use the rest of the Body Butter items! They are similar to the lotion bars you can buy in the store, but homemade.

They melt with body temperature and are a great treatment on the run or just for a spa day

You will need:
½ cup Shea Butter
½ cup Cocoa Butter
½ cup Coconut Oil

Mold of some sort

Essential oils, for smell
Vitamin E oil, just for added softness
Rose petals, lavender, add ins

Just as before, melt all the items and mix. This time you do not need a liquid oil, as you want them firm. Let them dry in the mold, again I popped my in the fridge.

These make GREAT V-day gifts for girlfriends. I wrapped mine in saran wrap, blasted them with some heat from the stove cause I have no heat gun, ( careful they melt! ) and tagged them cutely for friends. 

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