February 9, 2015

DIY - Homemade Body Butter

I thought I'd try this recipe out, as I have seen many people make their own soaps, cleaners, etc and I really like the frugal of it, plus its always good to know just in case I have to make my own one day again.

This recipe seems to be pretty common, youtube/etc. I can tell you I did not plan for the Shea butter to be so strong smelling, I was not a fan. I may try out a new recipe in the future. 

You will need:
½ cup Shea Butter
½ cup Cocoa Butter
½ cup Coconut Oil
½ cup light olive oil

Storage cups

Essential oils, for smell
Vitamin E oil, just for added softness

I got all my items off Amazon, and I did not use E oil as I am already low on funds. 

Melt all the oils down to liquid state. Microwave works fine. Mix everything together well once it is all melted, and let it sit outside for a while or pop in fridge. I had trouble getting the right consistency...to whip it. I kept over melting it or letting it get to hard. It needs to be like liquid-ey icing to whip properly.

Once it is in a good state, beat it with a mixer until fluffy! Chill again, then sort out. Again, I found the shea butter to be a little over powering but I enjoyed making this. I got small containers to give them out as samples to see other people's thoughts and kept some for myself of course!

Depending where you live, I.E. I am in Denver and its not that hot right now, it may need to be chilled to keep its shape. It is oil. Its great after a bath. 


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