February 21, 2015

Glimpse into my life

♥ I'm Feeling @Great
♥ Eating @notta
♥ Drinking @Water
♥ Listening @Zelda Theme Music - Share

Been having a great couple of weeks. Still no job, sadly but at least Target does pay the bills. I got all my Space items ready to post in March - Cannot wait! I am waiting on Mermaid pieces but I should have those soon. I got all my ball necklaces in so they are all standard now. 

some teasers

I was not able to get into the Anime Wasabi group, sadly but I plan to go at least SAT some time and walk around with cards/items on to maybe get any conversations going. I also want to see the artist alley. Check their page here - http://animelandwasabi.com/

We are also planning to hit the Mall and a job convention that day as well. I took off the weekend already so that worked out. Doing OK on money but would love Josh to get that job D: will be getting very poor by end of April. 

I have a couple more things I need to get ready but still staying on top of blog things. I am so proud D: Josh got me an Iphone 4 from his parents so I can now update more, we also combined our plans so I have a little more wiggle room. Updating Instagram and FB with as much as possible. 

This week Redbubble added leggings! I am so excited, they cost a ton tho! D: but I always wanted to do some like Holley Tea Time/etc so I started posting up ideas already. I mostly had these in my head as I wish I owned them D: so yeah. More to come. I want to do a galaxy one and a macaroon one as well. Exciting.

Chocolate Confetti Leggings Print by shouho Pink Strip Leggings by shouho Chocolate Leggings by shouhoMilk Chocolate Lovers Leggings by shouho

I did a bow garland for spring, which will be up next week as well as March's box calender. I WANT to do videos of my drawing characters, need to get back into that - but I am not sure what software that would be...

Some blog post ideas for March I have are

Update on my Garden *which atm is dying D: I am so a bad gardener*
Spring Cleaning!
How I blog - my process
Healthy recipe - veggie soup! *back on diet*
I want to get back in to Resin, so I am in testing stages there

DIY chapstick needs to get up and going
I want to try bathbombs too, I friggin love those
Various DIY boxes
DIY bow garland as mentioned
March CAL next week
Opening vid on Mermaid when I get them
I need to do a What I bought post too

Also if you noticed, I changed layout, still working on it D: I want to add followers and such but I cannot find it ><; its kinda hard. I am so better at coding by hand >>; I think that is all really. We are going hiking on Friday this week (writing in advance again, 2/20) and I am off on SAT so I will probably get to writing those post then. Got all my usual chores done so far - laundry, etc

Oh I plan to do a massive Garage sell in March if I can D: I am hoping to sell everything online I can and then I donno maybe post on craigslist after. I need to clean out this room ><;

♥ Ska

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