April 3, 2015

Patzi's Pizza Denver

Finally got to try a deep dish pizza the other day! I swear we eat more pizza than New Yorker's. Its just so damn easy to find.

Anyway this time we tried Patxi's pizza, which has been on the list anyway and its near our absolute favorite ice cream joint - Glaciers. So we got a amazing deep dish, simple to try. 


Not my photo, but yes just like that. It was amazingly deep and had sauce on the top it was very hard to eat! It was good but I thought the sauce was too sweet. The bread we good and the cheese. I would give it another go around with another flavor more likely.

Patxis Pizza

Food♥ ♥ ♥ / 5
Service Busy but was easy to get!
Interior: Ate at home
Price: Pricey
Would go back: Yes, for another flavor

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