May 18, 2015

Cleaning DIY - Air Freshner

Another quick DIY for cleaning. This time for air freshener, as I love febreeze but damn that stuff is expensive. For this you need some rubbing alcohol, oil and dilute it with water. You can use oil again to repel things like spiders, however I made cupcake spray :9 cause I like cupcakes. 

BE SURE to use bottled water or distilled. Tap water tends to have minerals that can effect the smell/recipe.

Not all DIYs are useful to me, and I try to come back and update them if I do not like them after using them for awhile. I never waste what I make though as I am a FRUGAL nut D: but sometimes something may not be as efficient as you hope and may not be worth making again.

I hope this one works for everyone, I really like it and its easy to change when I want a new scent!

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