May 18, 2015

Easy Up-Cycling

I love to reuse items, some are more practical than others. For example I always see ones using toilet paper rolls as gift boxes, and personally I would not want to get candies out of that...
Some easy ones that should require no instructions or anything are 1. Melting down your lip glosses to make a new one and 2. Reusing bottles that you purchase. I love reusing my gelato containers for the store.
So what does up cycle mean? via
verb (used with object), upcycled, upcycling.
to process (used goods or waste material) so as to produce somethingthat is often better than the original:
Some other easy ones are redoing earrings as charms, or vice versa - using necklaces for decorations and all those crafty things! Its very easy. My favorite thing to do this with is old clothes, bags or cute PJ pants. I will turn them into bows, small bags or those faux cakes I like. Here are a few I found around the web I liked or have done:
How to make an old t-shirt into a CUTE tote bag/ farmer's market bag in 10 minutes.
The easiest solution to a new bag.
Upcycle old tins ... always wondered what I could do with the old cakes tins from Christmases past ...
Who doesn't have a ton of old holiday tins from gifts? glam them up.
Turn an Old Sweater Into a Plush Pillow for $7
Turn that favorite hoodie you need to stop wearing into a comfty pillow, I need to do this
with my pink one I think I am too attached.
Book shelves
Last one, this one is my favorite! I love this look but I would like to hide the holders if I get to do it. 
I know I Normally do not post links to things, but I like the idea of up cycling and I was always personally annoyed when I watched tv shows that show trash to cash or something. That piece is so unique its hard to duplicate, or those items they use are hard to find. I get its more like inspiration but there are many things you can do on a daily basis to just reuse and help keep from tossing so many items away. I horde some, cardboard mostly, but there is a fine line! Share any of your favorite items to reuse!

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