May 20, 2015

Cleaning DIY - Carpet Sprinkles

I decided this year I wanted to try making my own cleaning items. They are healthier and more frugal, and I am a cheap pain. The first thing I wanted to try needed to be easy, as I am not always great at following directions. 

Mix baking soda, essential oil of your choice in a bowl and whisk together. 

You can add other items to repel different types of bugs, for example I will be using peppermint oil in this batch because we have been having spiders pop up a lot this spring. I personally like spiders, means they are eating the other bugs, but yeah I understand the why I am doing this.

Google around to find other methods if you see something in your house. There are items for bed bugs and fleas too.

Now I only mix a little at a time, as I do not want the oil to wear off. So I get the small box of baking soda and add a lot of oil. I do this before I vacuum so it is fresh. Be sure to let the powder sit for at least 15 minutes before you vacuum it up. Do vacuum it up. Enjoy!

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